Integral News - September 2015

Published: Wed, 09/02/15

Sept 2015

Integral Responding to Myanmar Flooding


Integral’s Disaster Response process was initiated on 6 August 2015 for severe flooding affecting large parts of Asia ...

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Cyclone Pam - Building Resilient Partnerships


An Alert for an Integral Response was raised on 14th March 2015 for Cyclone Pam which devastated the nation of Vanuatu. Ten Integral Members responded to this emergency and coordinated their activities at each stage of the response. A regional meeting was held in August 2015 between Integral Members TEAR Fund NZ, Tearfund UK, Transform Aid International and TEAR Australia and their partners. They planned the rebuilding work further, and looked at how they could together develop a Pacific Disaster Risk Reduction strategy for this disaster-prone region. Lea Davis, TEAR Australia’s Regional Team Leader for the SE Asia and Pacific Island Nations, shares with us about this meeting …

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